A Message From Our Youth Leaders

Dear friends:

As we go through this difficult time, and are unable to see you all in person, Marc and I would like you to know that we are thinking about all of you. We miss spending our Shabbat mornings of Tefilah, learning, and playing with all the wonderful children of the congregation.

Even though we are not currently running groups, we are hard at work creating programming and new activities to make our already great program even better. With Pesach just a week away, we wanted to make some digital content for your children to watch, discuss, and color! These clips (for older boys and girls), and the story coloring book (for younger children), provide you and your families with a taste of the Pesach programming we would have implemented under regular circumstances. 

Here is a wonderful Pesach coloring book for younger (and young at heart) children!\

We very much hope things return usual soon. However, if this is not the case, look out for more digital content coming from us in the weeks to come.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach,

Arielle Fagan & Marc Kolb