This Pesach has come along with unprecedented challenges in both feeling the joyful atmosphere of the approaching Yom Tov and fulfilling all of its Mitzvos properly.
The pre-Pesach period has always been a busy time for Tevilas Keilim as many acquire new utensils for Pesach use. This is especially true this year when so many are making Pesach for the first time. Unfortunately, due to social distancing we cannot conduct business as usual at the OT Keilim Mikva), effective 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27, 2020, the Mikvah at Congregation Ohr Torah will be operated with limited hours, with drop off service only. We have therefore made the following arrangement as detailed below. Please read the guidelines carefully as we need strict adherence for this to be successful.
Place your box of keilim on the sidewalk leading to the front door of OT before 10:00 AM and you will be able to pick them up from the sidewalk after 4:00 PM. Please note your day based on your last name:
A-H Monday 3/30
I- P Tuesday 3/31
Q-Z Wednesday 4/1
A- Z Thursday 4/2
Your Keilim will be toveled by volunteers from our community who are permitted to collaborate with each, because they all live under the same roof. All volunteers will receive training beforehand regarding Hilchos Tevilah and health concerns.
Your Keilim must be placed in a cardboard box and covered with a garbage bag if it is raining. The two downloaded forms (Consent Form & User Form) should be filled out, signed, and taped to the box. The Keilim will not be toveled, if the forms are not signed.
All stickers, glue, and other chatzitzos must be removed prior to drop off. As you can understand, our volunteers do not have the time to look for them or remove them. If any stickers or the like are found, the volunteers have been instructed not to tovel any item in the box and to indicate that the order has been rejected. Otherwise, it would place a great burden identifying what was and what was not tovelled. After removing the stickers, you may bring your box back on any day the service is available.
Although the Keilim Mikva is chlorinated, all Keilim must be sanitized before dropping them off, and we urge you to sanitize after pickup.
Any family that has a member experiencing COVID symptoms is asked not to use this service. Please ask your Rav how to handle your personal circumstance.
The fee for the use of the OT Kaylim Mikveh is $5.00. Only payments made by using this link will be accepted, so that there will not be a transfer of money between individuals: After accessing this site, select Keilim Mikva from the dropdown menu.
Every family must sign the Consent Form and tape it to your box.
It goes without saying, everyone should maintain all social distancing protocol during drop off and pickup.
Although much time has been spent ensuring a smooth operation, it is possible that adjustments will need to be made. Please lookout for further follow ups.
Thank you and a Chag Kasher V’Sameach!