Introducing two new daily classes by Rabbi Eliyahu Tal
Morning Class
A new daily Gemara Shiur will take place after Shacharit from Sunday to Friday. (Around 8:00am)
Sunday through Wednesday: Rabbi Tal will cover 2 Dafim every week (4 Amudim). The class will take roughly 30 minutes — depending on the length of the dafim.
Thursday and Friday: A review of the Dafim covered in the week.
Evening Class
Rabbi Tal will go over the halachot relevent to the daily Dafim studied in the morning. This Shiur will be recorded and conducted via Zoom.
The first Shuirim will take place Monday October 12, 2020 and will be an introduction to the Gemara. The first class on the Dafim will start on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.
All classes are over Zoom
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