An Important Message from the Vaad About The Holiday and Covid

Dear Community Member,

We have grave concerns about the marked increase in Covid-19 activity throughout our community.  Many members of neighboring communities have become infected, and unfortunately some are seriously ill and hospitalized.  In addition to individual illness, the increase in Covid activity has also lead to the closing of classes and even whole schools. Some of the locations where Covid outbreaks where most prevalent in our community are areas where social distancing and masks were not required.  In contrast, we have also seen that even in situations where there were unknowing Covid positive individuals exposed to others, potential transmission did not occur because of universal mask wearing and social distancing. 

If we are to stem this tide and new wave of infection, it is imperative that the following rules must be strictly followed by every member of our community whenever there is an indoor or outdoor gathering.:

  1. Masks should always be worn. Covering the mouth and not the nose is totally insufficient. 

  2. Face shields are ineffective and are not a valid form of face covering.

  3. There should always be social distancing with people 6 feet apart, especially if they are engaged in conversation for any length of time.

  4. Indoor activities where masks cannot be worn, such as meals, should be with immediate family only.

  5. Anyone who has fever or respiratory symptoms such as cough, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath should stay at home and should certainly not come to shul under any circumstances.

  6. Anyone who has had exposure to a Covid-positive individual, even if asymptomatic, should consult with a doctor before going out in public or going to shul.

  7. Individuals who are quarantined should remain at home.

  8. If ever you feel uncomfortable going to shul or sending your child to school for health reasons, don't.  Do not feel compelled to follow what everyone else is doing if you feel it may not be good for you or your family.

We are aware that on Rosh Hashanah, some of the outdoor and tent minyanim in our neighborhood did not require masks to be worn. Given the current outbreak in our community, to do so on Yom Kippur and Sukkos would be highly irresponsible and dangerous.  Even if there is an effort to maintain social distancing, experience has shown that this is a slippery slope situation, and it is almost impossible to sustain and control social distancing throughout the davening. Furthermore, six feet distancing without masks is inadequate and dangerous.   All the shuls in town are now requiring masks to be worn, and we implore upon everyone to maintain the same precautions wherever there is a gathering of people.  We fear that not doing so may have catastrophic consequences.

With everyone’s cooperation, we hope our community will be spared from further outbreaks.

Wishing everyone a Gmar Chasima Tova. 

Vaad HaRabonim of Raritan Valley