For Years, we have made available Rabbi Boroosan of Netzach Israel Synagogue in Atlanta, Georgia’s Pesach List and Guide. Many of you have found it helpful. Now, Rabbi Boroosan is asking us for our support for a local school for Sephardim in the Atlanta area. Below is the email I’ve received from him:
I have had the privilege of being the Rabbi and serving my קהילה in Atlanta for over two decades. Our community was founded by several Sefaradi families with young children who wanted to have a center to pray and raise their children according to our customs and traditions. We have succeeded beyond our belief and I am now proudly working with a lay leadership who is composed of the children for whom our community was originally created.
For the past 10+ years, we have rented space from our local school, continuing our services and have been planning and working on building a new structure of our own.
I am reaching out to invite you to become a partner in building our modest new home where we will embrace, preserve and transmit our מסורה to the next generation.
A generous donor has partnered with us and is committed to matching ALL DONATIONS that are generated through the 2020 Pesach Guide and Pesach Product List.
I will be grateful if you would consider appealing to your community members and friends to support our cause by sharing the link that will be provided in the email with the list & guide, so that each may contribute according to his/her generosity / כמתנת לבם.
בברכת חג שמח לכבוד הרב והקהילה
יהודה בורוסאן
If you have found this Pesach list helpful, please show your appreciation by helping him fund this new school.