The Lefkovits Family Park Mikvah continues to remain open while adhering to the strict guidelines set forth by the Israeli Ministry of Health, as well as well as those set forth by the CDC. At this time, in addition to all the precautions that have been set into place, we are also asking the following to be done by women who visit the Mikvah starting tonight:
All preparations must be done at home, while taking a shower immediately prior to coming to Mikvah. When you arrive at the Mikvah, please be ready to comb your hair and then immerse. An extra immersion can be done since one is not showering at the Mikvah.
Women should take steps to check themselves as the Mikvah attendant will be maintaining a 6 foot distance while wearing protective gear such as gloves.
Women can bring their own towels/robes/combs/slippers if they prefer to.
All visits must be scheduled via our website’s appointment page. Please do not bring cash to the Mikvah.
Please help us maintain this level of service to the community in the following ways:
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or are in quarantine, please do not visit the Mikvah. Please consult with your rav and doctor as to when you will be able to use the Mikvah.
Should you be feeling flu symptomatic, please consult with and get clearance from your doctor before attending the Mikvah, and notify us in advance of any sensitive situation so that we can put accommodations into place.
Please continue to practice social distancing during your visit.
Thank you for partnering with us. We pray that these precautions will protect us against the spread of any illness and we will soon be able to return to normal procedures.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lynn Hanfling, Esther Posen and Sara Scott
Mikvah Presidium