In 19:1, the Pasuk says that ‘on this day’, the Jews came to Midbar Sinai. Rashi asks: ‘The Pasuk should have said ‘on that day’’. Why does it say on this day? The answer is, to teach us that the Torah should be like a new experience to everyone, every day.
Lesson: Rashi is telling us something that we have been told in his name many times. But, have we internalized the message? While this may seem hard, it’s really not that complicated. As long as you have in mind this explanation, the Torah will never be Chas V’Shalom boring to you, and you will gain a new understanding of the Torah each day - because after all, it’s something new to you! This is also a remedy for the ‘Amalek’ - the Yetzer Hara - within us. At the end of Parashas Beshalach, the story of Amalek is recounted. The Meforshim describe Amalek as the ones who cool off the initial excitement. If we remember that the Torah is really a new thing for us every day, we will never have the problem of Amalek so to speak ‘cooling off’ the initial excitement.
By Ari Shagalow.