Story: In 14: 7, the Passuk says that ‘Paroh took 600 chariots’ - which had to be driven by horses. Rashi askes a simple question - where did they get these horses from, if they all died in Makkas Dever? His answer is that the ‘righteous’ Mitzri’im brought their animals indoors, and they were saved, a Hashem said. From this, R’ Shimon derived and said ‘The best of the Mitzri’im - kill him!’.
Lesson: There are people who think they are so good and everything, when in reality they are just as bad as others who they put down. Hashem sometimes shows us their true colors - like with the Mitzri’im. Don’t be one of these!
Story: In 15: 26, Hashem says ‘If you do my Mitzvos, I will not give you any of the illnesses that I gave to Mitzrayim, because I am your Healer’. Rashi adds ‘And if I do give them to you - then ‘I am your Healer’ Another explanation is that the Torah and Mitzvos are your way to not get sick. If you follow in these ways - you will not get sick. Similarly, it says ‘The Torah will be a remedy for your body’’.
Lesson: We can combine the 2 explanations, and find a beautiful message. Hashem says ‘If you follow in my Mitzvos and learn my Torah - you will not get sick - nothing bad will happen to you! But, if for whatever reason, you do get sick - meaning if something bad happens - do not despair. I, Hashem, am your Healer - I will take it away!’
By Ari Shagalow.