
The Mitzvot of Pesach

The Mitzvot of Pesach

Two elements constitute the foci of the Seder: The first is commemoration of our exodus from Egypt and our emancipation from slavery and our reflection on the significance of Israel's freedom. The second is to transmit our tradition to the next generation.

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The Laws of Toveling Dishes

The Laws of Toveling Dishes

As it is written in the Shulcan Aruch, one way to beautify the mitzvah of the Seder is to use fancy tableware. Many people may also buy new cookware and appliances for Pesach. All of these items may need to be toveled.

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The Laws of Toveling Dishes

The Laws of Toveling Dishes

As it is written in the Shulcan Aruch, one way to beautify the mitzvah of the Seder is to use fancy tableware. Many people may also buy new cookware and appliances for Pesach. All of these items may need to be toveled.

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The Mitzvot of Pesach

The Mitzvot of Pesach

Two elements constitute the foci of the Seder: The first is commemoration of our exodus from Egypt and our emancipation from slavery and our reflection on the significance of Israel's freedom. The second is to transmit our tradition to the next generation.

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