Dear Members and friends,
עת צרה ליעקב וממנה יושע
We are overwhelmed, horrified, and heartbroken beyond words by this indescribable evil by these terrorists. Our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters for all the suffering, pain and loss that they are going through. We cannot stop thinking about them, their safety and their family, and the hostages that are now behind enemy lines.
For the last two hundred years we have been in a phase of הסתר פנים, that HaShem is, so to speak, hiding his face from us, and we cannot really give clear answers to what’s going on, and how to reverse this harsh judgment on us to be a merciful judgment.
But our Sages taught us that it if a person doesn’t feel the pain of Klal Yisrael, he doesn’t have a share in the world to come.
The Gemara teaches us that repenting, praying, and giving charity nullifies bad decrees, Therefore we will open the ark, and say Avinu Malkenu with a few Pirkei Tehillim. And, of course, we will pray for the soldiers, the hostages and the citizens of Israel.
There’s also a special gathering tomorrow at 8:00 pm at RPRY with the entire community of highland Park and Edison. Please bring your own Tehilim. If you don’t have a copy of Tehillim, you can get a Tehillim app for your Android or iPhone. Information is located here.
It’s also very important to give charity to different organizations that support the IDF like the one below.
Also, as you all know, we are also starting a new Gemara program. Now more than ever would it be a great idea to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and join thousands of people learning the same Amud. The learning will be dedicated to all the soldiers and family in Eretz Yisrael.
I personally think this is a fitting time to increase in love and peace with our family and friends, despite our differences, and its a guarantee that if we show love and respect to others, HaShem will also show us his mercy and love.
I would like to conclude with a blessing. Father in Heaven, please have mercy on us and please put an end to all our suffering and pain, we should only share happy and good news from now on, Amen.
Rabbi Eliyahu Tal