Dear friends and members of Etz Ahaim,
This coming Thursday is Taanit Esther. The custom is to give Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel. This year, it’s about eight dollars. We’ll have a basket in the main sanctuary for each one to put the money in this basket. The money will be used for our shul and for the charity fund.
Secondly, the Mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim is fulfilled by giving money to two poor people so that they should use the money on Purim for whatever he might be missing. Our sages recommend that Matanot LaEvyonim should be the amount of money enough to buy a basic meal (about 8 dollars). All those who would like may give me their money for Matanot LaEvyonim before Purim, and I will give them to those who need on Purim itself.
(NOTE: You can do this by contributing online to the Rabbi’s Charity Fund at
This Shabbat is a very special Shabbat, as it is the Shabbat before Purim. We will be reading Parashat Zachor. It is very important to hear this Parasha and to remember what the Amalekites did to us, especially in our days, when Amalek still continues to wreak havoc. Please come and bring your family. We will also sing before opening the ark the special Sephardic “Mi El Kamocha” that we say once a year before Purim.
By the request of many women in the community, we will have two readings of the Megilah so that we won’t be too pressed for time. We will have one at 8:15 PM and another at 9:30 PM. Also on Purim day we will have two readings: one at 7:30 AM as part of the minyan, and one at 9:30 AM.
I wish you all a meaningful and easy fast, and Purim Sameach.
Rabbi Tal