Dear Etz Ahaim Members and Friends,
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
As we approach Purim, I would like to extend my heartfelt blessing that the joy and happiness of this holiday remain with us throughout the year, Amen.
I’d like to share a few important points with the community:
Zecher L’Machatzit Hashekel
This year, the amount given in remembrance of the half-shekel is $11. As in previous years, a basket will be placed in the main sanctuary for contributions, which can be made before or after Mincha on Ta’anit Esther.
The Purim Meal – This Year on Friday
Since Purim falls on Friday this year, halachic authorities mention two different timings for performing the Purim meal:
Some begin the meal in the morning, after Shacharit, to ensure it does not interfere with the Shabbat meal on Friday night.
Others hold that the meal should be in the afternoon and continue until Shabbat begins. Those choosing this option should first pray Mincha and then start the meal approximately three seasonal hours before Shkia (sunset). Bediavad, one may begin anytime before Shkia.
When the time arrives to light Shabbat candles (6:45 PM), women should light them as usual.
One should make sure to stop the meal before Shkiah without saying Birkat HaMazon Before. Then, one should recite the Mizmorim and Kabbalat Shabbat. Arvit may be prayed at this point or after the meal (If attending Arvit at the Beit Knesset, the women should remain at the Seudah so that Hamotzi does not need to be repeated). The bread should then be covered, and Kiddush is recited. If he drank wine at the Purim Seudah, he should not say HaGefen during Kiddush, and rather only say the Vayichulu and the Birkat HaShabbat blessing. Then he should cut from the two whole loaves of bread (Lechem Mishneh) without washing his hands and without blessing HaMotzi since he had already done so in the beginning of the Purim meal. At the end of the meal he should say Birkat HaMazon with Retzeh VeHachalitzenu and he should still say Al HaNissim.
Purim Minyanim at Etz Ahaim
To accommodate these two opinions and to give the option to decide, we will hold two Mincha and Arvit minyanim on Purim:
Following the 6:50pm Mincha, there will be a general Arvit at the Beit Knesset. Additionally, I will host another Arvit at my home between the Purim meal and the Shabbat meal.
Please feel free to call me for any questions or clarifications in regards to Purim and especially the Purim meal.
Wishing you a joyous and meaningful Purim!
Best regards,
Rabbi Eliyahu TalDear Etz Ahaim Members and Friends,