Rabbi Eliyahu Tal - Rabbi
Ray Morris - President
Visit our website for the latest news and copies of the bulletin.
Important Messages
- Lulav and Etrogim are available from Rabbi Shimoni. You can download the order form from our webpage at <https: data-preserve-html-node="true"//www.etzahaim.org/news/lulav-2024>.
- Complete Holiday Schedule for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot have been mailed out. They are also availble on our webpage too.
- Fulfill Your Holiday Pledges right from our webpage. You can fulfill your pledge by going to <https: data-preserve-html-node="true"//www.etzahaim.org/high-holiday-pledge>, or fulfill a women's pledge by going to <https: data-preserve-html-node="true"//www.etzahaim.org/womens-donations>.
- Joint Learning Initiative and Siyum in Highland Park. This initiative is sponsored by Congregation Etz Ahaim in conjunction with other Orthodox Synagogues in the Raritan Valley. See our webpage for more details.
- New families are moving to Highland Park If you hear of any new families moving to Highland Park, please inform the Hospitality Committee.
- Contact our Hesed Committee at hesed@etzahaim.groups.io if you know of a member or family of a member who is in a local hospital or nursing home.
- Hesed Committee is looking for Volunteers Can you cook? Can you purchase a bottle of grape juice or a bag of rolls at the bakery? The Ḥesed committee is looking for people who can cook or shop for births or sad occasions. Email hesed@etzahaim.groups.io with your name and the contact information of your choice.
Friday — Erev Yom Kippur (October 11)
- Selichot and Shacharit: 5:50am.
- Hatarat Nedarim: 7:20am.
- Mincha: 2:00pm
- Fast Starts and Candle Lighting: 6:04pm
- Kabbalat Shabbat and Kal Nidre: 6:15pm
Saturday — Yom Kippur (October 12)
Youth Program (3 to 8 Years Old): 10:30am to 1:30pm
- Shacharit:
- Akeidat Yitzchak: 8:30am
- Hodu: 8:45am
- Sermon: 11:45am
- Yizkor: 12:30pm
- Mincha: 3:40pm
- Ne'ilah: 5:40pm
- Shofar Followed by Arvit: 7:02pm
- Fast Ends: 7:021pm
Bikur Ḥolim of Congregation Etz Ahaim
The Regency Nursing Home is currently closed to visitors. Drivers and coordinators needed. Call (732) 572-7181 for more information. The congregation extends refua shelema wishes to:
- Asher ben Mazel
- Liba Shaindel bat Chava Sachs
- Gershon ben Sara
- Dvorah Shahala bat Sarah Parvin
- Chava bat Esther
- Jacob Krief (Yacov Gideon ben Miriam)
- Lita Greenberg (Tzvia Sarah bat Golda)
- Linda Balavram (Emmunah bat Sara)
- Sara Shifra bat Yehudit
- Sharona Bella bat Malka
- Yosef Daniel ben Feige
- Leah Chava bat Shayna
- Baruch ben Rivkah (Baruch Sachs)
If you like to add someone to this list, or merely want the Rabbi to say a Mi Shaberaḥ on someone after Torah reading on Shabbat, please go to our webpage and fill out the form.