May 10 — Parashat Kedoshim

Rabbi Eliyahu Tal - Rabbi
Ray Morris - President

Visit our website for the latest news and copies of the bulletin.

Important Messages

  • Mazel Tov to Isaac and Barbara Edery on the engagement of their daughter Sarah to Josh Tobias. Mazel Tov to Josh's parents Avi and Ilana Tobias and Rebecca Pastor and all the siblings and grandparents.
  • Our Nomination Slate: For the Executive Committee: President - Ray Morris, 1st VP - Haim Baruh, 2nd VP - Ken Anolik, Treasurer - Peter Spool, Financial Secretary - Shelomo Beck, Recording Secretary - Leora wenger. For the Board: Stu Balavram (renominate for new 3 year term), Dina Horowitz (renominate for new 3 year term), Yaakov Ganon (renominate for new 3 year term), Ari Blinder (new nomination for 3 year term) Eliran Gluzman (replacing Leora Wenger).
  • Buying Chametz After Pesach: The Vaad of Raritan Valley has released a list of recommendations for buying chametz after Pesach and it's available on our website at
  • New Birthday Kiddush will be implemented after Pesach. In these kiddushes, anyone who would like to donate a minimum of $36 will be a sponsor. Let us know whose birthday you would like to honor. Details soon on our website!
  • A List of Wounded Israeli Solders is available at our website at
  • Next Ḥumash and Ḥamin in memory of Eli Bishburg is Thursday on May 23 at 6:30pm. Contact Leora Wenger at for more information
  • New families are moving to Highland Park If you hear of any new families moving to Highland Park, please inform the Hospitality Committee.
  • Contact our Hesed Committee at if you know of a member or family of a member who is in a local hospital or nursing home.


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Minḥa and Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00pm
  • Candle Lighting: 7:45pm

Saturday -- Parashat Kedoshim

  • Youth Groups for ages 3 to 8 in the Upper Classrooms: 9:30am to End of Shacharit
  • Recite Shema: by 8:43am
  • Shaḥarit: 8:45am
    • Qiddush After Services (Sponsored by the Congregation)
  • Class: 6:05pm
  • Minḥa: 7:35pm
    • Se'udah Sh'lshit (Sponsored by the Congregation)
  • Arvit and End of Shabbat: 8:35pm

Sunday — Mother's Day

  • Shaḥarit: 8:00am
    • Followed by Breakfast and Torah
  • Minḥa and Arvit: 7:00pm
    • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit

Monday — Yom HaZikaron

  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Pre-Mincha Class 6:40pm
  • Minḥa and Arvit: 7:00pm e Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit

Tuesday — Yom HaAtzma’ut

  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Pre-Mincha Class 6:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 7:00pm
    • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Pre-Mincha Class 6:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 7:00pm
    • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Insights on the Parasha: 6:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 7:00pm
    • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit

Next Friday

  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Minḥa: 7:00pm
  • Candle Lighting: 7:51pm

News and Events

Community News

NORPAC’s Mission to Washington is an annual event where we bring close to a thousand citizen activists to Washington, DC, in order to advocate for a stronger U.S.-Israel relationship with Members of Congress.

Join us on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as we travel Washington, DC. On a single-day trip you will meet with Members of Congress and their staff and share your concerns with them about foreign aid to Israel, Iran, security cooperation, and more. Help us make a difference once again!

Buses will leave for Washington DC from our area at 6:30 AM and return between 9-10 PM. There will be briefings on the bus.  All meals will be provided.

Register now for the Early Bird Discount at  or call (201) 788-5133. Adults - $180, Full time Students - $100 (must be over 12. Those under 18 must be accompanied by Parent or legal guardian)  After March 12- adults $220, students $135

For more info, contact David Moskovic, Marc Hanfling at, Barry Wolf,Yosef Schreiber,Charles Gershbaum 

The Chug Ivrit for intermediate to advanced Hebrew speakers is reading מגולה לגאולה: מבבל לירושלים by Flora Taasan. It is Flora’s autobiography about her life growing up in Baghdad, and then making Aliyah in 1950.

The next meeting will be on Sunday, May 19 at 11:00am in the home of Rachel Weintraub. For the address Please contact Rachel at

Chicks with Sticks will take place on May 20 at 7:30pm at a local HP/Edison Home. Contact or text 203-435-2269 for location, information, and what basic supplies to bring with you (limited supplies available to borrow with advance notice).

Please reach out if you can’t attend but still want to donate hats or knitting/crocheting supplies.

HP/Edison home. All levels are welcome from never learned to expert. We’re happy to teach you. Email

Chaukas Habayis Celebration Dinner for the new State of the Art Girl's campus of Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion on June 17 at 425 Cleveland Avenue in Highland Park NJ. More details to follow.

The Ladino Lounge takes place every Thursday at 3:30pm. Sponsored by the American Ladino League.

For more information, go to .

It Takes a Village of Edison/Highland Park is looking for volunteers to join our dedicated network of over 70 local members! We provide support and assistance to single moms and dads with everyday tasks such as babysitting, financial guidance, errands and more. Join us and offer your skills in support of a single parent in our community! We are particularly interested in adding handymen, plumbers, and other home maintenance professionals to our volunteer roster. Please contact Rikki Samel 732 742 4559 - no commitment needed, volunteer when and how works best for you!