Rabbi Eliyahu Tal - Rabbi
Ray Morris - President
Visit our website for the latest news and copies of the bulletin.
Important Messages
- Rabbi Tal is Publishing a New Book on commentary on Megillah Esther. The book is by his students at Yeshivat Torah Emet. If you would like to help underwrite its cost, please email the Rabbi at Rabbi@EtzAhaim.org.
- Purim Schedule This Year: The Fast is this Thursday, the Megillah will be read next mosae Shabbat which will be followed by the Purim party,
- Build Your Muscle & Merit Men's Only Hours have come to a local gym. Get two mitzvot for the price of one: Venishmartem and Shmirat Einayim. Contact Pinny 551-206-1398 for more information.
- Sephardic Soft Handmade Shemura Matzah is made available from Rabbi Tal and Rabbi Abiram Biton. See https://www.etzahaim.org/news/sephardic-matzah-nzgzl-94gbw for more details.
- Nominating Committee for Etz Ahaim June Elections has been appointed: Bradley Greenberg (Chair), Chana Bishburg, Behzad Hakakian, Abie Hamaoui, and Leora Wenger. Contact the committee at nominations@etzahaim.org
- Sunday Breakfast and Torah is Back After Shacharit Services on Sunday. You can help sponsor the breakfasts by going to https://www.etzahaim.org/news/sunday-breakfast-is-back
- Purim is Coming: Don't forget to donate to the Sisterhood to support our Mishloach Manot.
- Etz Ahaim Needs Volunteers to help make and distribute Mishloach Manot. Contact Rachel Teicher (rachelteicher41@gmail.com) for more information.
- New families are moving to Highland Park If you hear of any new families moving to Highland Park, please inform the Hospitality Committee.
- Contact our Hesed Committee at hesed@etzahaim.groups.io if you know of a member or family of a member who is in a local hospital or nursing home.
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Minḥa and Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:50pm
- Candle Lighting: 6:47pm
Saturday -- Parashat Pekudei
- Youth Groups for ages 3 to 8 in the Upper Classrooms: 9:30am to End of Morning Services
- Recite Shema: by 9:30am
- Shaḥarit: 8:45am
- Qiddush After Services (Sponsored by the Congregation)
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 5:25pm
- Class: 5:45pm
- Minḥa: 6:25pm — Followed by:
- Se'udah Sh'lshit (Sponsored by the Congregation)
- Arvit and End of Shabbat: 7:33pm
- Shaḥarit: 8:00am
- Followed by Breakfast and Torah
- Minḥa and Arvit: 6:50pm
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Shulḥan Aruḥ Class 6:05pm
- Minḥa and Arvit: 6:50pm
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Shulḥan Aruḥ Class: 6:05pm
- Minḥa/Arvit: 6:50pm
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Shulḥan Aruḥ Class: 6:05pm
- Minḥa/Arvit: 6:50pm
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit
Thursday — Taanit Esther
- Fast Begins: 5:37am
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Insights on the Parasha: 6:05pm
- Minḥa/Arvit: 6:50pm
- Talmud — Amud HaYomi: After Minḥa/Arvit
- Fast Ends: 7:39pm
Next Friday
- Shaḥarit: 6:30am
- Minḥa: 6:55pm
- Candle Lighting: 6:54pm
Bikur Ḥolim of Congregation Etz Ahaim
The Regency Nursing Home is currently closed to visitors. Drivers and coordinators needed. Call (732) 572-7181 for more information. The congregation extends refua shelema wishes to:
- Asher ben Mazel
- Liba Shaindel bat Chava Sachs
- Gershon ben Sara
- Dvorah Shahala bat Sarah Parvin
- Chava bat Esther
- Jacob Krief (Yacov Gideon ben Miriam)
- Lita Greenberg (Tzvia Sarah bat Golda)
- Linda Balavram (Emmunah bat Sara)
- Sara Shifra bat Yehudit
- Sharona Bella bat Malka
- Yosef Daniel ben Feige
- Leah Chava bat Shayna
If you would like to add someone to this list, or merely want the Rabbi to say a Mi Shaberaḥ on someone after Torah reading on Shabbat, please go to our webpage and fill out the form.
News and Events
- Mar 17: Blood Drive
- Mar 17: Help Us Pack Mishloach Manot
- Mar 23: Purim Party
- Mar 24: [Help us Deliver Mishloach Manot](https://www.etzahaim.org/events/help-us-deliver-mishloach-manot]
- May 15: NORPAC Mission to Washington
- May 22: Solidarity Trip to Israel
- Build Your Muscles and Merit
- Sunday Breakfast is Back
- Soft Sephardic Matzah Available for Pesach
- Support Israel Through Our Mishloach Manot
Community News
Rabbi Brudny and Rabbi Sauer are raising funds for Matonos L’evyonim as has been done in the past. Rabbi Sauer will be available at his home, 150 Washington Ave in Edison, on Purim Day, through late afternoon. Matanos L'Evyonim will be distributed on Sunday, Purim Day.
- Checks can be mailed to Matanos L'Evyonim, 150 Washington Avenue, Edison, NJ 08817 and made payable to Toras Chesed.
- Sent via Zelle: to matevyon@gmail.com.
- Rabbi Sauer can be reached by phone at (323)877-2448 or by email: acssauer@gmail.com.
- Rabbi Brudny can be reached by phone at (732) 668-3546 or by email: ababrudny@gmail.com
Chance Auction to Get Critically Needed Ambulance for Yehuda VeShomron on March 17 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm at Congregation Ohr Torah, 48 Edgemont Road, Edison NJ. $36 minimum donation at the door. Each adult includes 3 raffle tickets. Children welcome without charge.
Netivot is running a raffle with a $10,000 prize! Only 360 tickets will be sold, one ticket at each price point from $1-$360. Play now at https://mynetivot.com/360 Winner will be drawn on March 20.
Chicks With Sticks is knitting and crocheting hats for preemies at Hadassah Hospital and for IDF Soldiers on Tuesday March 26 at 7:30pm. All levels are welcome from never learned to expert. We’re happy to teach you. Email ChicksWithSticksHP@gmail.com or text 203-435-2269 for more information.
The Chug Ivrit for Intermediate to Advanced Hebrew Speakers is reading מגולה לגאולה: מבבל לירושלים by Flora Taasan. It is Flora’s autobiography about her life growing up in Baghdad, and then making Aliyah in 1950. The meeting will be on Sunday, March 31 at 11:00am. Please contact Rachel at 732-819-9298 or rachel@weintraubworld.net.
The Annual Ahavas Yisrael Clothing Givaway on Sunday, March 31 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Take from a beautiful selection of new and gently worn clothes. For questions or to donate clothing in excellent condition, contact Lisa Cohen at 732-606-2996 or Ida Sheiner at 917-439-6163.
A Passover Recipe Friendly Cooking Demonstration by the Raritan Valley Hadassah on Sunday, April 7 at 5:00pm by Chef Sharon Heyden, author of A Culinary Journey: Exotic Kosher Cuisine. Zoom option also available. In-person: $18.00 Zoom: Free. Only 20 in-person spots available! For more information or to RSVP, please call 908-227-4869 or email RaritanValleyHadassah@gmail.com.
NORPAC’s Mission to Washington is an annual event where we bring close to a thousand citizen activists to Washington, DC, in order to advocate for a stronger U.S.-Israel relationship with Members of Congress.
Join us on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as we travel Washington, DC. On a single-day trip you will meet with Members of Congress and their staff and share your concerns with them about foreign aid to Israel, Iran, security cooperation, and more. Help us make a difference once again!
Buses will leave for Washington DC from our area at 6:30 AM and return between 9-10 PM. There will be briefings on the bus. All meals will be provided. Register now for the Early Bird Discount at www.norpac.net or call (201) 788-5133. Adults - $180, Full time Students - $100 (must be over 12. Those under 18 must be accompanied by Parent or legal guardian) After March 12- adults $220, students $135
For more info, contact David Moskovic, Marc Hanfling at docdad@aol.com, Barry Wolf,Yosef Schreiber,Charles Gershbaum
Ahavas Achim Trip to Israel for Solidarity and Chesed Opportunities May 22 to June 3. $4,610 per person. For details. go to http://www.arieltours.com/aamm/
Rabbi Moshe Rothchild delivered a very inspiring and informative speech regarding helping women who have lost their husbands due to the October 7th massacre and current war. To listen, go to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B77qxYpYNcc5-ClvJTsel7oGP3KZAy2x/view?usp=sharing
To contribute to this worthy cause, please make out checks to "Global Israel Alliance" and give to Aliyana at 400 North 8th Avenue, Edison or Zelle to rabbirothchild@gmail.com . Tax deductible donations can also be made via the website, https://war-in-israel.org/ . Thank you. Tizcu lmitzvos. Aviva and Barry Siegel
It Takes a Village of Edison/Highland Park is looking for volunteers to join our dedicated network of over 70 local members! We provide support and assistance to single moms and dads with everyday tasks such as babysitting, financial guidance, errands and more. Join us and offer your skills in support of a single parent in our community! We are particularly interested in adding handymen, plumbers, and other home maintenance professionals to our volunteer roster. Please contact Rikki Samel 732 742 4559 - no commitment needed, volunteer when and how works best for you!
Bikur Cholim is looking for more male volunteers to visit seniors and also looking for more seniors to visit. Please contact Cindy Baruch at 908-309-8818 or cindy.baruch@verizon.net
Rebbetzin Eichenstein Classes for Women
Please text Nechama at 347-909-2755 for information.