February 9 — Parashat Mishpatim / Rosh Chodesh Adar 1

Rabbi Eliyahu Tal - Rabbi
Ray Morris - President

Visit our website for the latest news and copies of the bulletin.

Important Messages

  • Special Rosh Chodesh Adar Kiddush this weekend after Shabbat Shacharit Services
  • Next Ḥumash and Ḥamin on February 29 at 7:00pm. Contact Leora Wenger at etz@leoraw.com for more information. In memory of Eli Bishburg.
  • New families are moving to Highland Park If you hear of any new families moving to Highland Park, please inform the Hospitality Committee.
  • The Wooden Main/Front Door should be used only when security is present. When the guard is not there or once he has left, that door must remain locked and the downstairs side door used instead.
  • Contact our Hesed Committee at hesed@etzahaim.groups.io if you know of a member or family of a member who is in a local hospital or nursing home.

Friday - Rosh Chodesh Adar 1

  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Minḥa and Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:10pm
  • Candle Lighting: 5:07pm

Saturday — Parashat Mishpatim / Rosh Chodesh Adar 1

  • Youth Groups for ages 3 to 8 in the Upper Classrooms: 9:30am to 11:00am
  • Recite Shema: by 9:03am
  • Shaḥarit: 8:45am
    • Qiddush After Services (Special Rosh Chodesh Adar Kiddush in the upstairs social hall)
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 3:55pm
  • Class: 4:15pm
  • Minḥa: 4:55pm — Followed by:
    • Se'udah Sh'lshit (Sponsored by the Congregation)
  • Arvit and End of Shabbat: 5:47pm


  • Shaḥarit: 8:00am
  • Women's Class: 10:00am
  • Minḥa and Arvit: 5:10pm


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 7:45am
  • Shulḥan Aruḥ Class 4:40pm
  • Minḥa and Arvit: 5:10pm


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 7:30am
  • Shulḥan Aruḥ Class: 4:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 5:10pm


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 7:30am
  • Shulḥan Aruḥ Class: 4:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 5:10pm


  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 7:45am
  • Insights on the Parasha: 4:40pm
  • Minḥa/Arvit: 5:10pm

Next Friday

  • Shaḥarit: 6:30am
  • Talmud — Amud HaYomi: 7:30am
  • Minḥa: 5:15pm
  • Candle Lighting: 5:15pm

Bikur Ḥolim of Congregation Etz Ahaim

The Regency Nursing Home is currently closed to visitors. Drivers and coordinators needed. Call (732) 572-7181 for more information. The congregation extends refua shelema wishes to:

  • Asher ben Mazel
  • Yacov Gideon ben Miriam
  • Liba Shaindel bat Chava Sachs
  • Gershon ben Sara
  • Dvorah Shahala bat Sarah Parvin
  • Chava bat Esther
  • Jacob Krief (Yacov Gideon ben Miriam)
  • Lita Greenberg (Tzvia Sarah bat Golda)
  • Linda Balavram (Emmunah bat Sara)
  • Sara Shifra bat Yehudit
  • Sharona Bella bat Malka
  • Yosef Daniel ben Feige
  • Leah Chava bat Shayna
  • Keren Noar bat Chana

If you like to add someone to this list, or merely want the Rabbi to say a Mi Shaberaḥ on someone after Torah reading on Shabbat, please go to our webpage and fill out the form.

News and Events

Community News

The Lefkovits Family Park Mikvah is excited to present An Evening of CommUNITY 2.0 with Shaindy Plotzker for Women and Girls on Sunday, February 11 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the YST Boys School, 71 Ethel Road West, Piscataway Doors open - 6:30pm, Program begins - 7:00pm

Register at https://parkmikvah.org

N'shei Ohav Emeth invites community women and girls, ages 15 and up, to our inaugural Women's Health Symposium on Sunday February 25th.

The program will take place in Ohav Emeth's social hall from 10:30am to 12:00pm.

Highland Park/Edison/East Brunswick Solidarity Mission to Israel, February 26-29

Highland Park/Edison/East Brunswick Solidarity Mission to Israel, February 26-29 World Mizrachi has found that one of the most impactful things we can do is provide a BBQ for our soldiers. The BBQ is a time when the soldiers can step away from their duties and relax from the stress of battle. As well, it becomes a great opportunity to speak with our heroes and give chizuk. The cost of a BBQ is significant.

Please consider supporting our chayalim by making a donation toward a BBQ. Donations can be made via check made out to Congregation Ohr Torah or by Zelle to payohrtorah@gmail.com. "Mission BBQ" should be put in the memo line of the check or Zelle payment.

Ahavas Achim Empty Nesters' Dinner on March 8th at the Bridge Restaurant at 7:00pm. Limited seating. $65.00 prt person. To register, go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd62-zpmoF4on6Xu6KJ2vF28yl3SiFDlc5jy6acVV1n-gpwzQ/viewform

For more information, contact Merri Ukraincik merriluk@gmail.com or Brondy Strassman barbara.strassman@gmail.com

Ahavas Achim Univeristy Presents Dr. Rona Novick on March 8 and March 9 for a Shabbaton with a focus on mental health and resilience.

For more information, contact Merri Ukraincik at merriluk@gmail.com or Brondy Strassman at barbara.strassman@gmail.com.

Congregagion Ahavas Yisrael will be having their annual dinner on Sunday, March 10 at 5:00pm at Torah Links. Guests of honor will be Barbara and Joey Frish and the service award will be given to Leah and Ari Kotowitz. There will be a special tribute to the AY youth who are currently serving in the IDF. There will also be a chinese auction.

Any questions please call Rivka Jaffe at 732-762-0490 or email: aydinner@ayedison.org. To make a reservation or place an ad go to www,ayedison.org.

It Takes a Village of Edison/Highland Park is looking for volunteers to join our dedicated network of over 70 local members! We provide support and assistance to single moms and dads with everyday tasks such as babysitting, financial guidance, errands and more. Join us and offer your skills in support of a single parent in our community! We are particularly interested in adding handymen, plumbers, and other home maintenance professionals to our volunteer roster. Please contact Rikki Samel 732 742 4559 - no commitment needed, volunteer when and how works best for you!

Bikur Cholim is looking for more male volunteers to visit seniors and also looking for more seniors to visit. Please contact Cindy Baruch at 908-309-8818 or cindy.baruch@verizon.net

Shomer Shabbat Scouting is available for boys and girls of all ages. If you are interested, contact Steve Springer.

Rebbetzin Eichenstein Classes for Women

Please text Nechama at 347-909-2755 for information.