Schedule and Halakhot for Tish'a Be'Av

The Final Meal (Seudah Mafseket) 

  1. On 8 Av (July 26) - During the final meal before the fast, it is forbidden to eat more than one cooked food. We don't eat meat or drink wine, we also don't eat fish; the custom is to eat boiled egg for the final meal.

  2. The custom is to eat the final meal before the fast while sitting on the ground (not directly on the ground but on a blanket or a piece of cloth).

  3. The halakot of Tish'a Be'Av are the same both at night and during the day: everyone must stop eating before sunset of the day before. It is strictly forbidden to eat during Twilight just as it is on Yom Kippur.

  4. Everyone must take off the leather shoes before sunset of Tish'a Be’Av.

Tish’a Be’Av Schedule for 5783

Wednesday, July 26

  • Minḥa on July 26 at - 7:55pm

  • The fast begins on 8 Av (July 26 ) at 8:10pm

  • Al Naharot Bavel Arvit and Kinot at 8:25pm

  • Our sages instituted the passage of *Nahem* to be recited in the Amida ot Tish'a Be’Av.  It is located in the blessing of Tishkon and it should be recited in all three prayers of Tish'a Be’Av.

Thursday, July 27

  • Shacharit with Torah reading and haftarah at 8:00am. We don't wear tallit and tefillin during Shacharit; only at Minḥa. It is best to put on tefillin at home before going to the synagogue for Shacharit.

  • Reading of the book of Ekha and Kinot at 9:10am 

  • Etz Ahaim will be hosting an inspiring film about “iron faith” at 6:20pm. The event is sponsored by our dear friend Josh Hakohen.

  • Mincha (with tallit and tefillin and Birkat Kohanim) at 7:45pm, followed by Arvit

  • The fast ends at 8:49 pm