To all of Our Etz Ahaim Family,
It is hard to believe that another year has passed. A year filled again, with the ups and downs of Covid. While things may not have been completely back to “normal”, it has been nice to have the opportunity to be together again! We are so excited that this Purim, unlike last, we can pray, eat, dress up, and rejoice together in person.
Just as always, we feel that it is important to spread happiness and Purim cheer as best as we can. One of the special Mitzvot we have on this holiday is giving to others, very commonly done with Mishloach Manot. While we continue to be hopeful for only good things ahead, in these tough times, sharing with others and bringing them happiness is so important.
Although in a different way than years past, last year we successfully were able to deliver a Mishloach Manot package to each family of Etz Ahaim on Purim day as a collective gift from all of the Etz Ahaim community through your generous donations. We hope to continue this wonderful Mitzvah the same way, this year too.
With this, we ask for those who are able and interested to help sponsor this effort and make it possible. Please feel free to make your donation online at below or mail your donation payable to Etz Ahaim and note for Mishloach manot on your check. Please download and file out the form and send it with your check to 230 Denison Street, Highland Park NJ 08904.
Gloria Morris and Rachel Yarmush