Dear members and Friends of Congregation Etz Ahaim.
Many men have the custom of immersing in the Mikvah prior to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Due to the pandemic, it is not safe to do so this year.
We suggest as a viable alternative, for those men who wish to maintain this custom, that they can do so by using the method known as 9 kabin of water. This can be done easily by any man who simply stands in a shower and pours on himself 12.5 liters (R’ Chaim No’eh and harv Ovadia) or 21.5 liters (Chazon Ish). If you take a shower for 4-5 minutes without any interruption you covered this amount of water, One can shower and soap after without concern.
Tashlich on Rosh Hashana: The custom of reciting Tashlikh began in the Rhineland – the heartland of Ashkenaz – during the medieval era. Over time, the custom spread to Sephardic communities as well, especially after Arizal praised it.
However, there is no obligation to recite Tashlikh, and some Torah giants did not observe this custom (Vilna Gaon; R. Ḥayim of Volozhin). Most Yemenites do not say it either. Some Ḥasidim recite Tashlikh on a weekday following Rosh Ha-shana; therefore, anyone that feels unsafe or uncomfortable to walk to the lake or river can recite Tashlich at home on a bucket of water.
Each individual can go anytime to the lake or river. We can recite Tashlich on Shabbat or the day after on Sunday, (Officially Tashlikh will take place at 5:30 pm Donaldson Park on Sunday, but we will not walk in groups, and we will keep social distancing).
Make sure to observe all the restrictions, social distancing, and covering the face with the mask , etc.
I want to wish each and everyone from the bottom of my heart Ketiva vChatima Tov
תזכו לשנים רבות נעימות וטובות אכי"ר
Rabbi Eliyahu Tal