May Hashem bless you and safeguard you.
May Hashem illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you.
May Hashem lift His countenance to you and establish peace for you.
Badmidbar Chapter 6, Verses 24 - 26
R’ Shmuel Tayib z”l (Djerba, Tunisia; 20th century) explains the verses of Birkat Kohanim / the priestly blessing as follows:
These verses include the three primary things that people desire — sustenance, children, and long life.
The first verse, may Hashem bless you and safeguard you, refers to sustenance, as it is written (Devarim 15:18), “Hashem, your God, will bless you in all that you do.” The latter part of that verse, “and safeguard you”, is a blessing that the wealth that you amass as a result of the first part of the blessing will remain in your hands.
The second verse, may Hashem illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you, refers to the blessing of children, as it is written (Bereishit 33:5), “The children whom God has graciously given your servant.”
Finally, the third verse, may Hashem lift His countenance to you and establish peace for you, refers to long-life, which is the result of physical and mental health. This is called “peace” because it comes about when all the parts of the mind and body work harmoniously together.
Thus the Torah (Bemidbar 25:12) refers to Pinchas’ reward of long-life as the “covenant of peace.”
At Etz Ahaim, Birkat HaKohanim is said twice every Shabbat, once during Shacharit Amidah (around 9:50am), and once during the Musaf Amidah, (around 11:20am). It is also said every weekday (around 7:55am) and on Sundays (around 8:55am). Seize the opportunity for blessings in your life. Attend services at Congregation Etz Ahaim and receive the Blessing of the Kohanim every day.