Chanukah Extravaganza
sold out
Chanukah Extravaganza
from $15.00
Sunday, December 29, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Advanced TIcket Sales are over. Please buy tickets at the door
Comedian Anna Tirat-Gefen
Anna Tirat-Gefen is a stand-up comedian, an immigrant from Ukraine, a full time working mother of five children, a wife, and a rocket scientist. She is also the mother of a Yeshivat Mital HaShamayim student.
Stump the Experts
Can you stump the students of Yeshivat Mital HaShamayim?Carnival Games
Arts and Crafts
Decorate your own tzedakah box. Color a spinning top. Draw latke ingredients.Etz Ahaim Scavenger Hunt
Delicious Food
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