Creative Potholders and Caring Fun with Daughters of Etz Ahaim

On a cold February night women gathered to create potholders under the wise tutelage of Chana Bishburg. They picked out colorful squares, sewed, folded, ironed, and shared stories of needlecraft adventures in their lives.

Tai chi, cooking middle eastern cuisine, collage, wine bottle bags, and creative writing are being considered for future events. Stay tuned!

Support Israel Through Our Mishloach Manot

To our beloved Etz Ahaim community,

Purim is right around the corner, and we can hardly believe it.

As we've done for the past few years, the Daughters of Etz Ahaim will be delivering a Mishloach Manot package to each family of Etz Ahaim on Purim day as a collective gift from the kahal.

This year, however, we want to give the community a chance to do another mitzvah through these Mishloach Manot, an important and beautiful mitzvah on its own. With Israel on all of our minds and in our hearts, we feel it is crucial to take every opportunity possible to support Am Yisrael in our actions, whether big or small.

And so, we're excited to announce that those who help sponsor Etz Ahaim's Mishloach Manot can also look forward to their donations benefiting Israel. Twenty percent of all the proceeds will go to a fund supporting Israel. We appreciate any amount from $18 to $360 or more.

Please feel free to make your donation online at by clicking the "Donate" button on the web page. You can also mail your donation checks to 230 Denison St, Highland Park, NJ 08904. Please make them out to “Daughters of Etz Ahaim” and put “Mishloah Manot” in the memo.

Am Yisrael Chai!
Daughters of Etz Ahaim

mishloach manot

A Message from the Vaad

February 7, 2024 כ"ח שבט תשפ"ד

We would like to inform you that at around 11:00 p.m. last night, a fire broke out in the building which houses Jerusalem Pizza. The fire caused significant damage to Jerusalem Pizza and - to a lesser extent - China Lee. The cause of the fire is unknown and the police are investigating. Thankfully, the owner Shalom Cohen was not present at the time and no one was injured. However, both Jerusalem Pizza and China Lee will be closed for the time being. We are grateful to Shalom for the service he has provided to our community for many years, and we hope he will recover from this and come back stronger.

Many have responded with concern and asked what they could do for them at this time. When we posed this question to Yardena, she replied, "I just ask that people say a Perek of Tehillim for the Chayalim." We are humbled to be part of a community with such outstanding people, and we will update you accordingly with specific assistance that can be provided for the Cohens and their workers.

Hoping for Besuros Tovos,

Vaad Harabonim of Raritan Valley