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Purim Schedule
Thursday — Ta’anit Esther/Erev Purim
Fast Begins: 5:51am
Shaḥarit: 6:30am
Class: Halacha in Depth: 2:30pm
Insights on the Parasha: 6:25pm
Minḥa/Arvit: 6:30pm
Megillah Reading after Minḥa/Arvit.
Fast Ends: 7:30pm
Tish After Megillah reading and fast.
Shaḥarit: 6:30am
Megillah Reading During Shacharit
After Services: Coffee and Halacha
Second Megillah Reading: 9:00am
Daf Yomi: 5:50pm
Minḥa: 6:50pm
Candle Lighting: 6:46pm