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Virtual Siyum Bechorot (Chulin)


It is required* for all first born sons to fast on the day before Pesach and not eat until the Pesach Seder. However, due to the day before Pesach ocuring on right after Shabbat, the fast is moved to Thursday and is a sunrise to sunset fast. Fast for male firstborns begins: 5:31am and ends 7:55pm. if you do not attend a siyum,

Fortunately, there is a simple way to get out of this fast. If you finish a tractate of Talmud, you can participate in having a siyum to celebrate finishing the tractate. Once you have the siyum, you are no longer required to fast for the rest of the day.

Congregation Etz Ahaim is holding a virtual Siyum Bechorot on Thusday, March 25 at 7:30am. If you are a first born son, and even if you’re not a first born son, join us and be part of this celebration. Just click on the Zoom Link.

* if it is difficult for you to fast, and you cannot participate in any siyum, you can rely on the lenient opinion that there is no fast day at all for this particular year (חזון עובדיה עמוד רטו)

Topic: Siyum Bechorot
Time: Mar 25, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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