Rabbi Tal will be giving a Zoom class on Tish B’Av. He will be discussing the various restrictions that we may not do on Tish B’Av, the portions of Torah that can be studied, and the reading of Eicha.
Zoom Information
Topic: The Practical Halachot for Tish B’Av by Eliyahu Tal
Time: Jul 28, 2020 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2966078388?pwd=c2lCcUliWXptQW5XOXpEbDNDZ1BJUT09
Meeting ID: 296 607 8388
Passcode: 970798
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Meeting ID: 296 607 8388
Passcode: 970798
Eicha/Lamentations is read during services on Tish B’Av. You can download a PDF copy below. (From The Sefaria Project)