Every year, our town’s Rabbi’s travel far and wide from synagogue to synagogue to teach classes during early Shavuot morning, so you don’t have to. The following is the schedule of all classes given at all the various synagogues in town. Feel free to attend any of the classes you’d like.
Learning Schedule by Synagogue
Agudath Israel
12:00am: Rabbi Y. Hoffman: גר שנתג״ך במצות פרו ורבו
1:00am: Rabbi A. Erlanger: Mila, Tevila, and Korban; Kabalas HaTorah and Geirus (Yevamos 46a Kerisos 9a)
2:00sm: Rabbi E. Kaufman: The Secret that Allows Entry to the Kodesh Kedoshim
3:00am: Rabbi H. Feldman: Abortion - Halacha and Hashkafa
4:00am: Rabbi R. Drucker: Torah Riddles XXVI
Ahavas Yisroel
12:00am: Rabbi S. Miodownik: The Half Jew
1:00am: Rabbi E. Kaufman: The Secret that Allows Entry to the Kodesh Kedoshim
2:00am: Rabbi S. Greene: Cheesecake and the Name of G-d — AThe Power of Minchag
3:00am: Rabbi D. Davis: Why am I Still Awake?
4:00am: Rabbi G. Jaffe: Serving Hashem with Music
Ahavas Achim
12:00am: Rabbi Y. Luban: What's Worse - Not Saying Hello or Robbing a bank?
1:00am: Rabbi G. Jaffe: Serving Hashem with Music
2:00am: Rabbi E. Reisman: Where's the Cholov Stam Cheddar?
3:00am: Rabbi E. Kaufman: The Secret that Allows Entry to the Kodesh Kedoshim
4:00am: Rabbi Miodownik: Celebrating Broken Tablets: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness
Sunday Afternoon Schedule
5:00pm: Rabbi Malitzky
6:00pm: Rabbi Lewis
7:00pm: Rabbi Miodownik
Ateres Shlomo
12:-00am: Rabbi H. Feldman: Abortion - Halacha and Hashkafa
1:00am: Dr.E. Weiss: Simchas Yom Tov
1:30am: Sion Daneshrad: The Mysterious Paradox of Yom Kippur and Shavuos Revealed Through the Luchos
2:00am: Rabbi R. Drucker: Torah Riddles XXVI
3:00am: Rabbi S. Malitzky: Caring Means Sharing: Your Personal Mitzvos vs. That of the Community
4:00am: Rabbi E. Reisman: Toveling Keilim on Shabbos and the Kuerig dilemma
Etz Ahaim
11:00pm: Tiqun Leil Shavu’ot led by Rabbi Tal
12:00am: Rabbi E. Tal: Torah from Heaven
1:00am: Rabbi S. Ziegler: The Good Heart
2:00am: Rabbi G. Jaffe: Serving Hashem with Music
3:00am: Rabbi Y. Luban: What's Worse - Not Saying Hello or Robbing a bank?
4:00am: Rabbi E. Kaufman: The Secret that Allows Entry to the Kodesh Kedoshim
Ohav Emeth
12:00am: Rabbi S. Ziegler: The Good Heart
1:00am: Rabbi S. Miodownik: The Half Jew
2:00am: Rabbi Y. Luban: What's Worse - Not Saying Hello or Robbing a bank?
3:00am: Rabbi E. Tal: Torah from Heaven
4:00am: Rabbi B. Goodman: Reuven and Gad and Sons: Livestock Tycoons? A Talk About Connecting With Our Youth
Ohr Torah
12:00am: Rabbi E. Kaufman: The Secret that Allows Entry to the Kodesh Kedoshim
1:00am: Rabbi H. Feldman: Abortion - Halacha and Hashkafa
2:00am: Rabbi E. Tal: Torah from Heaven
3:00am: Rabbi E. Reisman: Where's the Cholov Stam Cheddar?
4:00am: Rabbi Y. Luban: What's Worse - Not Saying Hello or Robbing a bank?